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Anthony E. Thomas

Major, U.S. Army (Retired)

Welcome to the Anthony Thomas Collection of History: A collection of historical information.

My name is Anthony E. Thomas, a retired U.S. Army Officer with a deep appreciation for the field of study known as History. My interest in history sparked at the age of nine when I conducted an elementary school book report on Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), the British Prime Minister from 1940-1945 and 1951-1955. I found his life very fascinating and I was hooked on learning more about other notable people who influenced cultures, geography, nations, and politics. My academic research and field work in the history discipline includes:

  • African-American history studies

  • American Civil War battle sites: Battle of Pea Ridge, Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Battle of Fredericksburg and Battle of Petersburg

  • Archaeological excavation project in Niles, Michigan: Western Michigan University

  • Native American Pima history studies: Saguaro National Park, Arizona

  • Military history (1775-1953): U.S. Army Command and General Staff College

  • Western European history studies

This website is my way of sharing my enthusiasm for history.